Here, we are going to discuss about your career and about your life.

How to take control of your career in your hand and Enjoy

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How to take control of your career in your hand and Enjoy

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Here, we are going to discuss about your career and about your life to take control of your career.

Imagine you got your dream job in your early stage. You are very happy and celebrate every moment. Do you continue work there, until your retirement?

Maybe you are not sure but let me give you some more briefing to help you out :

You will not continue on working in the same organization for a longer period of time. Especially when you are not getting growth or any significant hike.

Think of a situation, you are not getting promoted, all your colleagues are promoted. They may become your seniors. Sometimes, this is also happening, the person who joined after you, got a promotion and become your senior.

Now the point is, do still you want to continue with the same organization?

Hopefully, your answer must be changed or it may have given you more clarity on what is career as a whole is.

What is a career as a whole?

In other words, a Career is the long-term aspect of your life you spend at work and exchange your time, skills or knowledge with money.

In short, all the time we spend at work counts as experience, and the sum of all the experiences is called a career as a whole.

As a career growth mentor, I would highly recommend that never think of a job or short-term and always have a long-term goal (Career). Have a clear career goal of where you want to be after may be five years or ten years down the line.

How can you take control of your career in your hand completely?

Most people in this world are playing a big dirty game. That is Blame Game. Do you blame others or do you take responsibility on your own shoulders?

Maybe you don’t agree with this and will reply that I don’t blame anybody.

But if ask you a question who is responsible for your lack of or slow growth of your career?

Your answer will be –

  1. My manager
  2. My parents
  3. My colleagues
  4. Office politics
  5. Recession
  6. Covid

I know your excuses, maybe your situation is different and one should not judge people by their answers. But the hard truth is that you have to take responsibility take control of your career.
For example, you said, you became a victim of office politics. Hence your career growth is not up to the mark.
At first look, this sounds good and you don’t have anything to do with that. But by saying that one is not taking responsibility. How he can do better at the next place? Maybe the story will remain the same. But if you think on the Otherside:

  1. Why only you become a victim
  2. Why you don’t have any god-father
  3. What really could have been different, if you would know it ahead of?
  4. How it has affected on my career.

So, there are two sides to the coin. At first, you are clueless about what happened. Because things happened to you. And it’s not you who make it. And on the other side of the coin, you completely agree with what has happened to you. And what you can do now, to change the future of your career.

Here are seven easy steps to take control of your career in your hand.

  1. Time register (Maintaining Diary)

    One of my mentors always tells me, Kirit you should have one best companion with you all the time and that is your diary. Actually, I could not able to realize it at that time. But now after certain years of experience and mentoring hundreds of people. I can say that if you can register your time. What activity you are doing? Start measuring and at the end, you are going to monitor it after one month down the line. You will realize where I have actually vested my time. Also what value addition I did do this month? Time registering is the best thing to do, as you are actually registering the power of your own wish. Next month surely you will utilize your time way better from last month. And you will drastically reduce time wasters from your calendar, take control of your career.

  2. To-do, Not to-do, to feel list

    You should maintain every day what is your priority for today. The best technique, which is very popular is a list of To-Do. In this list, you are preparing what all activities need to be completed today. After that, you are setting priorities. All activities are important & urgent, important but not urgent, Urgent but not important, and neither important nor urgent.

    Not to List: You will simply remove the list of activities that are under the category of neither urgent nor important. Also, you will remove some activities from urgent but not important.

    To feal list: At the end of the day, what do I want to feel today? I know it sounds a little bit weird, but this list will help you to be honest with your customers or clients.

  3. Learning time

    Set your learning time on daily bases. It says that whatever activity we do at the same time, the same activity at the same time leads towards perfection in this particular activity. And you are doing the same with learning. Setting learning time is always good for your overall growth in life and career.

  4. Success Habits

    There are few success habits that are actually required to be successful in life or a career. Such as Time-management, Learning attitude, reading books, doing exercise & 20 minutes of meditation.

  5. Interpersonal relations skill (Influencing skill)

    A single skill that can change your life not only professionally but also personal life as well. This skill will help you understand better your boss, your colleagues, your clients or maybe your wife, and your friends. In short this skill has the potential to change your life 360 degrees.

  6. Networking

    Your network is your net worth. If your interpersonal relations skills are good, you will easily create healthy relationships with your colleagues and with cross-departments. Or maybe you could create your brand in your industries, with some special subject matter experts in your related industries. You can enhance your network by communicating professionally.

  7. Leadership

    Leadership never limits up to levels or management only. Personally, I have seen, a PA that has good leadership skills in one of the organizations. And because of that skill, he could easily influence to the crowd. You should definitely learn and implement leadership skills if you want to grow in your career.

So, here are the seven easy steps you can take to take control of your career in your hand.

For more inquiries feel free to contact us!

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