Career Mapping is one of the best ways to plan out your career path. Generally, It helps you in visualizing yourself, and where you’re going and gives you a clear idea of what you should be doing next.

Career Pathway Map : Easy steps to Create AT your Own

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Career Pathway Map: Career planning is an essential part of any job search because without having a career pathway map there are high chances, that you will end up with the job that you don’t want to do. In this article, we will discuss on the process of mapping out your career path and figuring out which jobs are suitable for you so that you can create your own career pathway map at your own in easy steps.

If you are not sure about the Career Pathway Map, then you should consider it as it’s just like a normal map. A map is used for getting directions and getting ideas about how far our destination is. Likewise, a career pathway map also gives you direction toward your career destination and provides you with some fair idea about how long it will take to reach your career goals.

There are three main steps to creating a career pathway map.

1. What you want to accomplish
2. determine required skills)
3. identify the jobs
Easy steps to Create your Own Career Pathway Map
Thought it out on identifying your Career Goals

The very first step in a career path map is to start thinking about some random thoughts related to your career, job, and your life. Think about what you want to do with your life. What kind of work would make you happy? What type of work makes you feel fulfilled? What type of work excites you?

Once you’ve figured out what you want to do, think about what skills you need to succeed at that job. And from where you could learn, enhance and advance those skills. If you have already been into the job, you will also want to consider whether there is any room for growth within your current position. If not, then you might want to explore other options.

1. Decide which skills you need to develop.

Once you got clarity about your career goals. The second thing you have to do is what skills you will need to achieve that career goal. Make a list of skills with your current level.
Also, you can think of the resources that are available to you, where you can develop, improve and enhance those skills.

Make a calendar to learn that skills. Without a calendar, nobody will be able to be self-disciplined. And without being self-disciplined nobody will learn significance. So create a learning calendar and start learning as early as possible.

2. Create a list of jobs that match those skills.

The next step in the list is, you have identified the skills and started learning on your own and now you will need to succeed in your chosen field, and start thinking about the jobs that will use them. Because there is on-the-job training, means you will get paid to learn and work at your new workplace. Only you have to keep a learning attitude toward your career journey. So start searching for a new job or start looking for a new opportunity at your workplace. Think of starting to add new value to the organization and you will get a new opportunity.

Talk to your boss and seniors about your career aspirations and you will start recognized as a positive asset.

3. Find out how to get these jobs.

If you want to ensure you are getting the right job, you need to think about the type of work you would enjoy doing. This means knowing what kinds of jobs you’re interested in and what you’re good at. Then, you can research all the opportunities that offer in those jobs and see if there are any openings available. You may go offline and online search as well. You use some social network site like linked in or you may create a login on Naukri and indeed or related placement officials.

Sample of Career Pathway Map

1. Starting with career Goal
2. Required Skill
3. Acquiring Skills
4. Find the job
5. Grow in career
6. Achievement
1. Start thinking with career goals

As you have observed in the sample career pathway map, the very first thing that you have to start with is the basics. And that is creating career goals. Always remember while you creating career goals you should focus in mind your likes, dislikes and your area of interest. Apart from that, you should take into consideration your educational background and your overall life exposure. Also if you have already been developed some skills from your treasure time, think of monetizing that skills too. Check, whether it is a marketable skill or not. If yes, definitely you should give it a try. And maybe you can hit the fish.

Explore all the available resources and options. You may take the guidance of others who have more experience and knowledge than you.

Once you have multiple options available then you have to compare all the options with each other and try to analyze for a better option for you at the time, which will allow you to develop your skill and simultaneously allow you to grow in your career.

In order to achieve your long-term goal, you have to set short-term goals. You need to set, what you want to achieve after two to five years. Accordingly, you will take action and choose your first job. Make your strategy and your action plan for the first job.

Your goals have to be SMARTER. In short, it has to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, and Realistic, and ensure, it has some timeline attached. That will provide you required fule to do the hard work. And will energy for short-term frustration of day-to-day work.

Follow the whole PDCA cycle. PDCA means Plan, Do, Check and Act. You have made your strategies, and action plan and started taking action. But you have to be consistent enough to achieve your long-term goals. For that, you have to be flexible enough to check your progress report. Better if you have your counter partner, both of you check progress reports of each other and give feedback.

But the clearer you are it will be easier for you to take a decision. Ensure you write down the goals. Until and unless you will not write your goals, you will never going to work on it. And after that go ahead with the second step.

2. Required skill set

Second step after deciding your career goal is to identify what skills you will require to reach your final destination. Most people tend to ignore it, but you should not ignore to take some initial competitive advantage at your workplace.

Let me give you a classy example, assume your educational background is in finance. Your career dream is to become head of finance. And you will start searching for an accountant or asst. Accountant job. And you got a related job in a mid-size company. But you have not found out related or required skills. There will be no difference between you and your peers. But if you have done this exercise, you can start with a little bit of research on google and maybe a few months of skill development. That actually can take you years of ahead in your career.

If I will use the same example, and you know that you will need computer knowledge and well versed with spreadsheets. And with just three months’ course, you developed it. Now the chances are only you have good knowledge of ms-excel. We can simply get huge respect because of this small but essential skill.

You can segregate them into two types of skills for our better understanding.
Foundational Skills : Foundational skills are basic skills that are required in every field such as Communication skills, presentation skills, and interpersonal relationship skills.

Advancement Skills : Advancement skills are helpful to advance our career as a whole. These are Advance communication skills, Presentation skills, Public speaking skills, Leadership skills, and Team management skills.

3. Start acquiring skills

After found it out about the required skills, do some priority tests and your current level. You can use the factor method and easily get to know which skill you will work on first. Don’t make a mistake you start to develop multiple skills at the same time.

Maximum two skills you can target at a time or else you will never be excellent at those.

You can join any online or offline classes if available. Or maybe you can seek for guide or mentor who has knowledge and expertise in those skills

4. Find a job where you can use and grow those skills

After acquiring and developing certain skills you will feel more comfortable and confident. Now, this is high time to go on some Naukri portal and start looking for a job. That is useful to get entry into that particular industry.

Now, you will have to be ready with your resume and cover letter. Your resume is your visiting card, which will showcase who you are. And mostly it will decide whether you will go ahead in the process for the hiring process or not. So spend some time in the creation of a resume. Resume writing is also a skill. You have to give some special attention. Also, ensure you have used a good combination of skills and keywords that are required in your job so that your resume will appear in your related job search.

You can learn some interview tactics and how to crack any interviews.

5. Grow in a job with practical experience

Close your first entry and start with full of your potential give your hundred percent and you will get success. Use your skills to complete your target and help others. You will surely be a favorite in your department and in your peer group. You will develop interpersonal relationships and leadership skills by helping them.

To get fast growth at your first or next job, you should know what you have to do in the first week, in the first 21 days, and in the first three months of your work. How to talk to your boss about your objectives and to find out how you can add value to the organization. You should work on your overall appearance and behavior so that you can simply impress your management. Also, you impress them with your output as well. Once you learn how to practice emotional intelligence at work. You can easily grow in your career.

6. Navigate thru hard work, persistence, and dedication to achieve your DreamCareer

Nothing is easy until it did. But at the same time, nothing is difficult only because nobody has done it yet. It depends upon your vision, mission, and guts. Start adding value to your organization and you will learn everything as and when required. Have patience & have faith in your hard work. Success takes time. It takes time to get matured. It takes its own time to but you have to navigate your career with lots of hard work, persistence, and dedication to achieve your dream.

Navigate your career from your current level to your career goal. You may encounter lots of difficulties midway, but you can surely overcome all the obstacles. Don’t demotivate by temporary downfall, keep working towards your goal slowly, and gradually you will achieve it that is for sure.

Most important take action!

My mentor told me that there are two types of people. First who only thinks and plans but never takes action. And another type of person is like you. Who takes action? You will only get results if you take action. Because there will not be a reaction without action. There will not be any results without an exam. And there will not be a success without hunting for it. IT says to ask for it and it will give it. You have to ask it from the universe. So your dream can true but for that, you have to lose your sleep to achieve it. You may need to be restless at times. But believe me, it is worth it. And surely you will be very happy after achieving your dream career. You will also want to consider how much money you want to earn. Or do you just want to make enough to pay rent? Once you’ve figured out what you want to earn, you can start looking into different careers.

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